event burgee venue burgee

Frostbite Lake Series Fast Handicap Dinghies

West Kirby Sailing Club

Results are provisional as of 10:20 on March 10, 2025


Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Rating system: PY, Entries: 21, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank BoatName Class SailNo Helm / Crew PY R3
1st Side Winder Solo 5794 Martin Hartley 1152 1 1 2
2nd SensationAL Albacore 8234 John Carlin 1053 3 3 6
3rd Froglet IV Laser 151359 Stuart Dawson 1106 6 2 8
4th Deecisive Laser 309 Steve Jardine 1106 3 5 8
5th Zippy Zero D-Zero 333 Liz Potter 1043 4 4 8
6th Still Quality Time Solo 5907 Steve Ferrington 1152 5 6 11
7th Caroline Laser 199508 John Ralph 1106 8 8 16
8th Force 9 Laser 216509 Steve Shallcroft 1106 10 7 17
9th Gung Ho Laser 202409 Gavin Roberts 1106 9 9 18
10th Shore Thing GP 13653 Tony Clarke 1138 13 10 23
11th This way up Laser 126038 Bill Johnson 1106 11 14 25
12th   Lightning 368 110 Judith Carter 1162 12 13 25
13th Forked Lightning 368 439 Jude Stratton 1162 14 12 26
14th   RS 100 8.4 128 Paul Dowman 1004 16 12 28
15th Intrepid Illusion 141 Keith Roberts 1400 7 22 DNC 29
16th   Laser 71 Henk Thomas 1106 17 16 33
17th Flash Lightning 368 226 Gill Hall 1162 15 20 RET 35
18th Tonic Lightning 368 209 Amy Watkin 1162 18 17 35
19th   Laser 218272 Tom Green 1106 22 DNC 15 37
20th   Laser Radial 45 Wendy Shallcroft 1147 19 18 37
21st   Lightning 368 112 Gordon Potticary 1162 20 22 DNC 42

R3 at 11.00

Race Officer: Armstrong Family
Results: A.M.Hartley

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Elapsed time, Course: 32, Wind dir: SSE, Ave wind: F1-2
Rank BoatName Class SailNo Helm / Crew PY Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points
1 Side Winder Solo 5794 Martin Hartley 1152 37.35 0.32.37 0.00.00 1152 1
2 SensationAL Albacore 8234 John Carlin 1053 36.55 0.35.04 0.02.34 1131.565 3
2 Deecisive Laser 309 Steve Jardine 1106 38.47 0.35.04 0.02.42 1188.782 3
4 Zippy Zero D-Zero 333 Liz Potter 1043 36.48 0.35.17 0.02.46 1127.989 4
5 Still Quality Time Solo 5907 Steve Ferrington 1152 40.49 0.35.26 0.03.14 1251.108 5
6 Froglet IV Laser 151359 Stuart Dawson 1106 40.36 0.36.43 0.04.31 1244.467 6
7 Intrepid Illusion 141 Keith Roberts 1400 52.34 0.37.33 0.06.54 1611.267 7
8 Caroline Laser 199508 John Ralph 1106 41.56 0.37.55 0.05.51 1285.336 8
9 Gung Ho Laser 202409 Gavin Roberts 1106 42.09 0.38.07 0.06.04 1291.977 9
10 Force 9 Laser 216509 Steve Shallcroft 1106 42.31 0.38.27 0.06.26 1303.216 10
11 This way up Laser 126038 Bill Johnson 1106 42.53 0.38.46 0.06.48 1314.455 11
12   Lightning 368 110 Judith Carter 1162 45.48 0.39.25 0.07.53 1403.856 12
13 Shore Thing GP 13653 Tony Clarke 1138 45.36 0.40.04 0.08.28 1397.726 13
14 Forked Lightning 368 439 Jude Stratton 1162 46.42 0.40.11 0.08.47 1431.443 14
15 Flash Lightning 368 226 Gill Hall 1162 47.16 0.40.41 0.09.21 1448.812 15
16   RS 100 8.4 128 Paul Dowman 1004 41.16 0.41.06 0.08.31 1264.901 16
17   Laser 71 Henk Thomas 1106 45.54 0.41.30 0.09.49 1406.922 17
18 Tonic Lightning 368 209 Amy Watkin 1162 48.19 0.41.35 0.10.24 1480.997 18
19   Laser Radial 45 Wendy Shallcroft 1147 47.56 0.41.47 0.10.31 1469.247 19
20   Lightning 368 112 Gordon Potticary 1162 52.24 0.45.06 0.14.29 1606.159 20

R4 at 12.11

Race Officer: Armstrong Family
Results: A.M.Hartley

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Elapsed time, Course: 12, Wind dir: NNW, Ave wind: F1-2
Rank BoatName Class SailNo Helm / Crew PY Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points
1 Side Winder Solo 5794 Martin Hartley 1152 40.44 0.35.22 0.00.00 1152 1
2 Froglet IV Laser 151359 Stuart Dawson 1106 42.34 0.38.29 0.03.28 1203.849 2
3 SensationAL Albacore 8234 John Carlin 1053 40.34 0.38.31 0.03.20 1147.286 3
4 Zippy Zero D-Zero 333 Liz Potter 1043 40.15 0.38.35 0.03.22 1138.331 4
5 Deecisive Laser 309 Steve Jardine 1106 43.06 0.38.58 0.04.00 1218.933 5
6 Still Quality Time Solo 5907 Steve Ferrington 1152 46.08 0.40.03 0.05.24 1304.72 6
7 Force 9 Laser 216509 Steve Shallcroft 1106 44.41 0.40.24 0.05.35 1263.712 7
8 Caroline Laser 199508 John Ralph 1106 45.35 0.41.13 0.06.29 1289.165 8
9 Gung Ho Laser 202409 Gavin Roberts 1106 46.29 0.42.02 0.07.23 1314.619 9
10 Shore Thing GP 13653 Tony Clarke 1138 48.21 0.42.29 0.08.07 1367.411 10
11 Forked Lightning 368 439 Jude Stratton 1162 49.33 0.42.39 0.08.28 1401.349 12
11   RS 100 8.4 128 Paul Dowman 1004 42.49 0.42.39 0.07.19 1210.92 12
13   Lightning 368 110 Judith Carter 1162 49.43 0.42.47 0.08.38 1406.062 13
14 This way up Laser 126038 Bill Johnson 1106 47.30 0.42.57 0.08.24 1343.372 14
15   Laser 218272 Tom Green 1106 47.50 0.43.15 0.08.44 1352.799 15
16   Laser 71 Henk Thomas 1106 48.07 0.43.30 0.09.01 1360.812 16
17 Tonic Lightning 368 209 Amy Watkin 1162 51.49 0.44.36 0.10.44 1465.453 17
18   Laser Radial 45 Wendy Shallcroft 1147 51.55 0.45.16 0.11.22 1468.282 18
19 Flash Lightning 368 226 Gill Hall 1162 RET       20



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